Thursday, June 21, 2012

Officially Off Work!

Officially off work about 1 week and 2 days early. Went to work today and was having a hard time in the heat today. My classroom was hotter than it was outside and I felt like I could barely breathe. I asked my principal if she could find me a supply for the afternoon and I made an appointment with my doctor at the hospital. When I got there she decided to do my "July 3rd"check up today so she checked my urine (all was well!), blood pressure (110/something), baby's heartbeat (in the 150s) and weight (only gained 1.1kg since my last appointment!). She checked my lungs with her stethoscope and my long capacity which was both ok. She said I have the beginnings of Bronchitis and to stay inside while I was at work. She began to write me a note staying that I mustn't be outside. Then I told her that in a classroom with no air conditioning and 24 kids, it was hotter in my class than it was outside. She then decided to write me a note off with until next Friday, the last day of school and my birthday! A little bittersweet but it's what is safe for Ethan and I so I am happy.
Here is a pic of me at 23w3d:

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