Thursday, August 30, 2012

Freezer Meals!

I am well aware that once Ethan arrives I will have even LESS time than usual which is why I have decided to make and freeze meals.
My other dilemma is that once this baby is outta me, I want to begin my weight loss mission immediately. Which for me means no gluten!
Here is an idea of what I want to prepare:
Butternut squash soup
Gluten free muffins
Cabbage rolls
Stuffed peppers
Chicken burgers

Any other suggestions???

Also, if anyone wants to volunteer to donate some ready-made meals, you are more than welcome to! Lol


My regular doctor is on holidays this week so I had an appointment with Dr. Raby today. Pretty uneventful-- blood pressure normal, didn't gain any weight this week and baby sounds good :-)
My next appointment is in 2 weeks :-)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Baby Shower!

Today was my baby shower! I could not believe how much love people have for our soon to be family! Everyone was very generous. A huge thanks to my mom and sister who worked so hard cooking/cleaning/preparing for the day.
Here are some pics. More will be posted soon!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Belly Moving at 31w2d

It's very clear this time, lol. Check out the 11 second mark of to the right, near the cluster of beauty marks lol:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Since we pretty much found out I was pregnant, I wanted to get a Snuza. 
I wrote a post about it here. Anyways, there are a few different models. The one I originally wanted was the Snuza Halo. It vibrates when it detects lack of movement and then alarms if it still doesn't detect. It also costs  about $150 + tax + SHIPPING since I haven't been able to find it in Canada. So it would end up being around $200. The other model is the Halo Go. From what I've read, the only difference is that the Halo Go doesn't vibrate, it just sounds an alarm for us to wake him or the alarm will wake him. It is significantly cheaper. Around $100-$150... + tax + shipping. Well, I went on and they had the Snuza Go for $78.08 + tax + shipping. I decided to get it since it would end up costing a lot cheaper and the reviews were still great. My total came to. $101.22. Can't wait to check it out!

P.S. One more point for the Snuza Go! When the Snuza Go's battery dies, it can be replaced by the customer. When the Snuza Halo's battery goes, it needs to be sent in and replaced.

Similac Gifts!

So although I am planning on breastfeeding our baby, I signed up everywhere for free gifts :)
We got ours from Similac yesterday. It came with:
2 Instant powered formulas
2 Instant liquid Similac advanced and sensitive
12 liquid formulas in ready-to-use bottles and 
12 nipples that you just screw on the mini bottles!

Pretty cool eh? I hope we don't HAVE to use them but we have them just in case :)

More Drama

So as some of you may know, I got into a pretty bad car accident yesterday. Joe's mom and I were in my car on the highway on our way to her specialist appointment and traffic was stopped. Well I guess the idiot behind us didn't realize we were stopped and slammed right into us. First thing that crossed my mind was baby. My belly didn't hit anything so that was a good sign. The truck behind us pushed us into the car in front and we bounced off and hit the truck again. Our heads snapped back and hit the headrests twice. Our glasses flew off of our faces. Brenda was screaming holding her head and I was just focused on staying calm and calling 911. I took a quick look at my car at the back and it was totaled. The ambulance, fire truck and OPP came very quickly. The put Brenda in a gurney and I sat in a chair in the ambulance. In the ambulance my back and neck started seizing up. Not fun. They took me straight up to Labor & Delivery to check on baby. I didn't care that my head, neck and back were killing at the time, I was just scared for Ethan's life. They hooked me up to the Doppler and I got to hear our baby's heart beat. The doctor said it sounded good but was a little fast from the excitement. She said they would monitor his great for a few hours. She gave me Tylenol for my headache and had a nurse come in to take my blood. They wanted to make sure mine and baby's boys didn't mix. The police officer came into my room to take my statement. He told me that the other driver got a Careless Driving ticket and that if he flight it, I would have to go to court. After I was released from Labor & Delivery I went to the ER to check out my head and neck injury. After waiting about 4 hours, the doc said it looked like I had a minor concussion or just muscle strain in my neck. He wrote me a note for physio and said I SHOULD feel better in a few days.
When we got home I called my insurance. Thankfully, they are covering my totaled car, deductible, ambulance fee, towing fee and rental car. This morning I am still in a lot of pain. My sleep was not pleasant and I've had a non-stop headache since yesterday. I am just so thankful to God that we are all alive and healthy.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Getting Stronger

So for the last few weeks, Ethan's kicks and punches have been literally making me jump in surprise. I think Joe finds it quite amusing lol.
One thing I find a bit funny is that Ethan goes not cooperate for anyone. Hopefully that is not a preview if what is to come lol. He would be kicking like crazy and then as soon as I tell Joe to feel, he would stop. This had been happening pretty much as long as I've been feeling him on the outside. Well tonight he was kicking like crazy and really high too, like right under my ribs. Joe softly put his hand on my tummy and  BAM! Kick. A few seconds later BAM! Another and another. Joe looked so happy since he really hasn't felt him kick in a while. He also commented on how much stronger his kicks are now. I think he understands why they make me jump lol.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hospital Visit

So last Friday Joe and I made surprise hospital visit. On Thursday Ethan was very lazy and I barely felt him kicking. At night and early morning is when he is usually most active and I couldn't feel anything. I was starting to get worried. I tried different things to get him to move for us. Drank something cold, are something sweet, poked around on my belly, flipped to both sides a bit and still nothing. Finally I asked Joe if he could run out and get some orange juice and instead came back with Mc Donald's breakfast (with an orange juice of course! It was 7am, we took advantage of that lol). Told him if that didn't get him moving that we should go to the hospital. Clearly, that didn't work. Really scared and nervous we went to the doctor hospital. They were very good. We went up to Labor & Delivery and told them our concern and admitted me. I laid down on the bed and as soon as they hooked the monitor up, you could hear his heartbeat. Best sound in the whole world! The nurse just sat and listened for a while and said "let's just see if we hear him move". Sure enough you hear a big "swoosh!" and another big "swoosh!" that sound is him moving. While this was happening I wasn't feeling anything. It was really weird. She grabbed the doctor, who just happened to be my Ob/Gyn, Dr. Anstett, who said everything sounds fine and that the baby must be running out of room in there so I should be feeling more rolls than kicks now.
Sure enough, that day and all weekend I felt rolls. He has been making up for lost time, that's for sure! Lol. Last night I was having those round ligament pains which feel like your uterus is stretching and sure enough today, I'm feeling kicks again. So weird. I've come to the conclusion that this child will worry me for the rest of my life, in and out of the womb, lol.

Upcoming stuff:

August 13 - Doctor's appointment
August 18th/19th - Prenatal Class
August 26th - Baby Shower!
...September 4th - Back to Work :-(

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Second Hand Stores

So let's start off by saying I have never been one to shop at second hand stores. Although we didn't have money growing up, I think my mom was a little weirded out by them lol.
Well, today I was on a hunt to find an old crib mobile so I could convert it into one for Ethan's room' no luck finding one by the way.
I started looking in the baby clothes section and was pleasantly surprised! Most of the clothes were in great condition and the prices were awesome! I ended up buying the baby 3 things there for under $10!
2 sleep sacks
A teddy bear suit
I also found a book by one of my favorite children's book author, Jamie Lee Curtis. It was a large book with 4 stories inside includingthe books on CD. And although I have 3 out of the 4 already, together with the CD it only cost me $2.99 :-)  It is also in great condition.


Our cloth diapers came today!
Pretty fast considering they came from China lol.
The yellow diaper below shows how small the diapers go, and the red diaper shows how large the diapers go.
Hope they work!

30 Week Cabbage!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

No GD!

I hadn't heard from the doctor's office so I assumed my glucose screening was fine but I called today to confirm and it came back normal :-)