Monday, July 30, 2012


I have been feeling the urge the nest SO badly these days but really can't. We are in a one bedroom apartment until Ethan is about one month old so even though I've been making things for his "room", I don't know if there is a big point in putting it up in the little corner of our room he will eventually claim. I also have the urge to clean like never before, but my body gets so sore from this stupid SPD, that I can't do much for long these days. It's so frustrating.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Maternity Photos

Seeing that money is pretty tight this summer and after checking out a few local photographers, we decided not to do any maternity photos.  Some photographers were charging anywhere from $150-$250 just for the shoot! That would not include any photos. A few months back after comparing some prices, I booked Ethan's newborn photos with a local photographer Kayla Varrette. I was able to book the newborn session with additional family photos for $95. The other day, Kayla had a deal on her website "First person to book an outdoor photo session only paid $65" so after speaking with Joe, I booked our outdoor maternity photos. They are going to be this Saturday, weather permitting. The thing I am stressing out about now is what to wear. My arms have gotten really chubby lately, and I used to never care but they look like big pillows lol. So I need something to cover my arms. The problem is, the only short-sleeve tops I have are just plain cotton t-shirts. I want like a short-sleeve blazer type thing, (like the one below) but that fits, lol. Looks kind of weird right? I may have to run to the store tomorrow to look for something to wear. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Scrapbook Update:

Felt the need to redo this page, the old background was giving me a headache lol.

Old one:

Friday, July 20, 2012

Cloth Diapering

Joe and I have decided to attempt cloth diapering. After reading an article that says one would spend $2000-$4000 total from newborn to toilet training age in disposable diapers. I'm always looking for ways to save money so along with breast feeding (hopefully) and making our own baby food, our decision to try cloth diapering was made.
I probably researched the internet in total for about 4 hours, from reading diaper reviews, watching YouTube links for disposal techniques to starting conversations on Facebook.
It looks like all of the really reputable diapers are around $15-$20 and depending on how many diapers you want to start off with, (and how often you want to do laundry) this could be a really expensive start-up cost.
I looked up eBay and found lots of cloth diapers but one that kept popping up was a brand called Babyland. What drew me to these diapers were the fact that you could pretty much use these one-size diapers from birth to toddler. They have waist snaps where you could fit a small or larger waist and front snaps to change the rise of the underwear. What also drew me to this diaper was the cost. On eBay they seemed to range about $4-$5 a pair! I ended up buying 21 diapers with inserts for $85. Pretty much the price of 2 or 3 packs of disposable diapers. The Babyland diapers are pocket-diapers, meaning there is a cute colorful cover with a pocket for the absorbent insert. You could also put a disposable liner in when baby is eating solids to early dispose of poop.
Along with the diapers, inserts and maybe the liners, to cloth diaper you need a place to store stinky diapers. We haven't bought it yet, but it looks like we are probably just going to buy a garbage bin with a lid and a washable liner for the inside. Then when the diapers and inserts need washing we can just take out the bag and bring it to the laundry room.
When we are out and about we will have to buy a wet bag. A wet bag is a bag with a zipper that has a waterproof liner that contains the dirty diaper(s). When you get home, you just dump the dirty diapers in the diaper pail (or laundry, of you're doing laundry) along with the wet bag and, voila!
Many reviews have indicated that cloth diapering reduces diaper rash and can also make potty training easier and they're just so darn cute too lol.
If you have any input on this post, please reply. Would love some more information!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dr. Anstett

Today I got to meet my Ob/Gyn, Dr. Anstett. The nurse took my blood pressure which was fine and weighed me. I'm up about 40 lbs :-[  Sounds like a lot but neither the doctor or the nurse seemed concerned at all. Also, found out my blood type is A+, lol. The doctor took me into his office and went over my health record, set me official due date at October 14 and said he would only let me go 10 days past that if I don't go into labor before then. He was full of statistics lol. He said only 5% of women actually delivery on their due date and about 95% of first time moms get an epidural. He also talked to me about the hospital's reputation and the fact that the 4th floor is dedicated to labour and delivery. He also told me that there are a lot of anesthesiologists working so I shouldn't have to wait too long for my epidural lol. Whew! He also said that the anesthesiologists are doing like 15 procedures a day and are very good at what they do. I asked him about the pain in my pelvis and he said it's normal, can't really take anything for it but to slow down. It's probably gonna get worse, lol. Grrrrrrreat. Also asked about getting my flu shot and he recommended getting it as soon as it becomes available. He then checked baby's heart rate, it was 163, nice and healthy :-) He felt my tummy and said baby is head down and his back is up my left side. Measured my tummy and I'm still at 27 weeks :-)
Now, for the not so good news:
So it looks like I had elevated sugar levels at my glucose test last week. I was at an 8.5. This means I need to go do another test which is much more accurate because I have to fast this time. He didn't seem too concerned, said most of the time women may fail the first test but pass the second and if I fail the second test then I may be able to control it with nutrition, instead of injections :-[
Keep y'all posted on that one!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Got Eaten Alive!

27 Weeks!

Ethan is the size of a cauliflower! I have my first Ob/Gyn appointment tomorrow, hopefully he will have the results from my diabetes test and that the results are NEGATIVE! Cross your fingers! I'm feeling pretty good these days besides the muscles in my pelvic area. Went camping this past weekend and found it difficult to maneuver in the tent and after taking a short hike, I was in so much pain. Other than that, no new news. More details to follow tomorrow :-)


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cross Your Fingers!

Had my gestational diabetes blood work done today. The lady had to prick me twice because she filled up the wrong colour tube. That's ok though, I figure every needle is prepping me for pain tolerance lol. Cross your fingers that I am GD free! :-) We are going camping this weekend like 4 hours away lol. I know, what were we thinking lol. We have our first Ob/Gyn appointment on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to meeting our doctor.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ethan Kicking

So, it's a little hard to see but around the 21-22 second mark, watch the far left side of my tummy and you will see Ethan kick :)

For Nonna

According to Nonna, Ethan will be a little baseball player lol

Monday, July 2, 2012

20 Things You Didn't Know About Little Boys

1. You will spend a crazy amount of time clipping their weed-like fingernails, even though your own nails don't grow worth a damn.
2. They will also probably have nicer eyelashes than you.
3. Little-boy funk-smell kicks in sometime around age 3.
4. It smells like a combination of feet and maple syrup.
5. You will totally get peed on. In the face, directly, at least once.
6. I also do not suggest painting the walls immediately around changing tables or toilets with a flat finish. Go with eggshell or satin, or else just thumbtack up some freaking towels.
7. Those little PeePee TeePee things do not work, unless you care to see just how far your son's urine can propel a tiny, soggy cone of fabric across the room.
8. All that said, a lot of times they just manage to pee right on their own heads. Memorize their shocked expression when it happens, because hiiiiiiiiiilarious.
9. Boners.
10. Yeast infections are not just for girls.
11). EW.
12. The instinct to turn random objects into guns/blasters/lasers/phasers/swords/lightsabers/arrows/cannons/etc. is something they are born with. Don't worry about it too much.
13. Buy helmets, though.
14. Remember that one mean little girl in first grade who would randomly announce that she wasn't your friend any more; she was someone ELSE'S friend now and you couldn't be friends with either of them because she said so and made you cry but then the very next day the rules were all completely different?
15. There are mean little boys like that, too.
16. The good news is that once you're a grown-up you realize it's perfectly okay to think that they're annoying little sh*ts and tell their moms on them when they color on your walls with markers.
17. Even after many mature, frank discussions about body parts and the differences between boys and girls, you will definitely be asked -- loudly and publicly -- about your own lack of a penis and whether or not you pee out your butt.
18. At some point, you'll have to sack up and send them into the mens' room by themselves. This is both amazing and terrible.
19. Wearing a dress makes you look beautiful, Mommy. A single sequin on your shirt or a sparkly necklace earns you an upgrade to princess. Your hair looks gweat. Your hugs are nice. Your cuddles are the best. I wuv you, Mommy.
20. Ugh, they are so awesome, it hurts.

This post originally appeared on

Sunday, July 1, 2012

1 Day Shy of 25 Weeks

Ethan the Eggplant and the Soccer Ball

Almost sounds like the title of a children's book lol
Ethan is about the size of an eggplant and my uterus if about the side of a soccer ball!

25 weeks :-)

Updated: Some websites say he is about the size of a cauliflower lol