Saturday, February 11, 2012


This is Joe and I.

This is our dog, Russell

This is our apartment in Waterloo, Ontario

...and this is our big surprise!

Unplanned but not unwelcomed! We are extremely excited! Looks like I'm in between 3-4 weeks right now according to my last period. Been having mild cramps all week but I hope it is nothing to be concerned about. Yes, we realize it is very early but we are trying to stay positive and I am continuing to eat healthy and go to the gym. We have only told immediate family and a few close friends so far. Went to the walk-in clinic today and had a third urine test done to confirm. I need to call the hospital Monday to set up an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner. For those who are unaware, I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a disorder that could possibly hinder the chances of getting pregnant. The fact that this happened without trying and using contraception is nothing short of a miracle. Please think positively for a happy and healthy pregnancy! :)