Friday, July 20, 2012

Cloth Diapering

Joe and I have decided to attempt cloth diapering. After reading an article that says one would spend $2000-$4000 total from newborn to toilet training age in disposable diapers. I'm always looking for ways to save money so along with breast feeding (hopefully) and making our own baby food, our decision to try cloth diapering was made.
I probably researched the internet in total for about 4 hours, from reading diaper reviews, watching YouTube links for disposal techniques to starting conversations on Facebook.
It looks like all of the really reputable diapers are around $15-$20 and depending on how many diapers you want to start off with, (and how often you want to do laundry) this could be a really expensive start-up cost.
I looked up eBay and found lots of cloth diapers but one that kept popping up was a brand called Babyland. What drew me to these diapers were the fact that you could pretty much use these one-size diapers from birth to toddler. They have waist snaps where you could fit a small or larger waist and front snaps to change the rise of the underwear. What also drew me to this diaper was the cost. On eBay they seemed to range about $4-$5 a pair! I ended up buying 21 diapers with inserts for $85. Pretty much the price of 2 or 3 packs of disposable diapers. The Babyland diapers are pocket-diapers, meaning there is a cute colorful cover with a pocket for the absorbent insert. You could also put a disposable liner in when baby is eating solids to early dispose of poop.
Along with the diapers, inserts and maybe the liners, to cloth diaper you need a place to store stinky diapers. We haven't bought it yet, but it looks like we are probably just going to buy a garbage bin with a lid and a washable liner for the inside. Then when the diapers and inserts need washing we can just take out the bag and bring it to the laundry room.
When we are out and about we will have to buy a wet bag. A wet bag is a bag with a zipper that has a waterproof liner that contains the dirty diaper(s). When you get home, you just dump the dirty diapers in the diaper pail (or laundry, of you're doing laundry) along with the wet bag and, voila!
Many reviews have indicated that cloth diapering reduces diaper rash and can also make potty training easier and they're just so darn cute too lol.
If you have any input on this post, please reply. Would love some more information!


  1. I've ordered some babyland ones but am not thrilled. They seem pretty cheaply made to me. I highly suggest you check out Sunbaby Diapers... as well as Kawaii Diapers: AND Alva diapers

    The quality seems MUCH better to me and they are VERY inexpensive! You can get 12 sunbabies with inserts for $60!!!!

  2. Oh really? I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the info! :-)

  3. I remember my aunt using cloth diapers with my younger cousins. They are cost effective and environmentally friendly.
