Wednesday, February 29, 2012


So I told myself that I would continue to eat healthy throughout this pregnancy but treat myself to something yummy on Fridays. Let's just say I've been dying since last Friday for this week to be over because this week I am going to Food Basics, buying cheese, mayo and lettuce and using those to stuff the Jamaican Beef Patties I'm buying. Yummy, I can taste it now! Lol. The things I look forward to! Lol!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"What to Expect When You're Expecting" MOVIE

Looks hilarious! Click here for the link


So today I wiped and saw a bit of pink on the toilet paper. Started panicking (of course) and wiped again, a little more blood but darker. Laura texted me after and told me not to worry, that it is very common. After going to the washroom about 5 times in the next hour, it started to disappear and I felt better. Laura suggested I call the doctor just to make sure it was ok. So today I wiped and saw a bit of pink on the toilet paper. Started panicking (of course) and wiped again, a little more blood but darker. Laura texted me after and told me not to worry, that it is very common. After going to the washroom about 5 times in the next hour, it started to disappear and I felt better. Laura suggested I call the doctor just to make sure it was ok. Now which doctor to call??? Decided to call Dr. Peoples who asked me how heavy it was and if it was accompanied by cramps (which it wasn't). He said "it doesn't found sinister" (weird wording, lol)  but to take tomorrow off work if I need to. Also told me to call him tomorrow to see if he received the ultrasound results yet. Haven't decided if I will go into work tomorrow but I will keep you all posted! Please pray for us and our Button!

Monday, February 27, 2012

I Have The Best Baby-Daddy Ever :-)

He's so good to me :-) Fills up my water bottle without me asking, rubs my back without complaining and stopping the car numerous times just so I can pee. He takes such good care of us and he is going to make a great daddy :-)

Our Baby's First Photo

So my back was really bothering me yesterday. It felt like my sciatic nerve (on my left side) but once in a the pain would shoot across to my front. I Googled (of course) and started thinking maybe I was having an ectopic pregnancy or I had a cyst on my ovary. Went to work in the morning but my back was still really hurting so I got a supply to take over my shift in the afternoon and went to the walk in clinic. Saw the doctor I saw the very first time (who was pretty useless before) and told him my concerns. He verified where the pains were and suggested we do a early ultrasound. Went to the ultrasound clinic and booked an appointment for later in the afternoon. They asked me to drink a litre of water and to hold my pee. The ultrasound was performed by an ultrasound technician student with the actual ultrasound technician in the room. I was so nervous. They suggested Joe stay in the waiting room until they could get some pictures. The technician did the ultra sound and then suggested I go pee. They suggested we try an  internal ultrasoundsince it was kind of hard to see the baby with the external. That made me even more nervous of course. After the internal ultrasound was complete they showed me our baby. Complete with it's tiny beating heart. They said that I am actually measuring just under 7 weeks (6 weeks, 3 days). They ruled out ectopic (whew!) but didn't say anything about the cysts. They said the doctor will call me if they find anything abnormal. The big black circle in the photo is my uterus (which went from the size of a fist to the size of a grapefruit!) Our baby is on the right inside the uterus and the yolk sac is beside it on the left. Isn't our button cute?! lol. Feeling a lot more relieved now! :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Joe's Joke of the Day...

My baby-daddy is friggen hilarious... :|

Joe: "I know why they call a fertilized egg a blastocyst".
Kristina: "Why?"
Joe: "Because it's a a cyst that ends up blasting out of your vagina, hahahaha!"

Very fucking funny  :|

Our Baby at 7 Weeks :)

Hands, feet and many other parts are really forming this week...



Click here to find out more.

Update: Super-weird Pregnancy Symptom

Ok so I've been experiencing a really weird pregnancy symptom this week-- nose bleeds. Googled it (of course) and it's actually quite typical. Blood vessels become more constricted and bleed more easily. my sciatic nerve on my back is really starting to annoy me and I'm still getting the occasional cramp but only every on my left side. Not sure if that's normal. Any advice?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Nonna's Gift for Baby

My mom came back from Mexico today and brought back some presents for baby :-)
The bib is perfect for any child of mine lol.
And I was gushing over how small and cute the onesie was when I noticed it's  12 months! Lol. Wonder what a newborn onesie looks like :-)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Our Baby at 6 Weeks...

Click here to find out more :)

Video: Week 1 - 9

Found this video I thought I'd share :)

Never Made a Sweater Before lol

Recent Google searches...

WARNING: Some of these are very weird but keep in mind I don't really have a doctor yet and I've never gone through this before.
The Google searches go from this morning, right up until the night we found out we were expecting :-)

"is it weird to not feel pregnant?"
"belly button pain during early pregnancy"
"lower back pain during early pregnancy"
"should I drink pop while pregnant?"
"cramps on left side during early pregnancy"
"can you eat ricotta cheese while pregnant?"
"can you eat mozzarella cheese while pregnant?"
"cramps at 5 weeks pregnant"
"does it matter what time of day you take prenatal vitamins?"
"how to get candle wax off clothing" (that's on behalf of my dear boyfriend lol)
"I ate cold cuts and I'm pregnant"
"does pita pit cook their cold cuts?"
"itchy skin during pregnancy"
"can you use nail polish remover while pregnant?"
"can you eat goat cheese while pregnant?"
"is it ok to lift weights while pregnant?"
"rate of weight gain during pregnancy"
"clear blue pregnancy results"
"how effective is birth control"
"pfizer birth control recall"
"can you eat imitation crab meat while pregnant?"
"is it possible to lose weight while pregnant?"
"cramping at 4 weeks normal?"
"is it ok to take gravol when pregnant?"
"food pregnant women should avoid"
"faint line on pregnancy test"

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Google, I Love You

Thank God for Google! I don't know how women dealt with the unknown before Google. I'm pretty much self diagnosed hypochondriac so every cramp, twinge, or hiccup gets Googled and I feel better about what is happening to my body :-)
Google - baby's first word

Blood Work

Went for my blood work this morning and after about an hour and a half I'm home! They said they could only do one of the requisitions so I had them do the one from the walk in clinic today and next week I will go do Dr. Peoples. On an even better note, and probably totally unrelated, pretty sure Joe is losing it, lol. Woke up and found Oreo crumbs on the corner and the icing for my brother's cake open lol. He does not remember using it or eating it, haha! Poor guy! Hope he's not stressed! xoxo



Saw Dr. Som yesterday at the new practice! She is 6 months pregnant! (Yay, congrats!) Told her that when I booked my appointment almost a month ago, I was looking for more support for the weight loss. Now, I'm looking for guidance and support for growing our baby :-)
She was so happy to hear our news and asked how far along I was (going into week 6!), how I was feeling (ok, just tired) and if I was taking any supplements (just the prenatal vitamins). She suggested I add fish oil (for healthy brain development), calcium to protect my bones and baby's (if you don't have enough calcium, the baby well start to take calcium from your bones) and Iron SAP (to help prevent neurological defects such as Spina Bifida). I said I had some of those vitamins at home, but she said it is important that the fish oil be ONLY Omega 3 and of a clean brand with no mercury. I bought the Iron SAP off them for $16. The calcium magnesium I have at home is fine she said. She suggested we do a urine sample and checked my glucose, pH level and protein. Glucose and pH were fine but I had a slight increase in protein in my urine. She said it's nothing to worry about but we will keep an eye on it. I have another appointment with her over March Break. After my appointment I went to Fiddleheads to pick up the fish oil brand she recommended. It was about $26 with discount using my "prescription". I finally feel like someone is taking care of me.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Hallmark card!

Just Waiting...

Just waiting...
Waiting for the 12 week mark to pass.
Waiting to tell the world our exciting news.
Waiting for Button to grow.
Waiting to get my blood work done.
Waiting for an ultrasound that will put my mind at ease.
Waiting until I start to show.
Waiting until we move into a bigger apartment.
Waiting to buy bigger clothes!
Waiting to decorate baby's room... The list goes on...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Today's Appointment

So I went to Brampton today and as usual, waited forever for the doctor. He have me a requisition for blood work, slightly different than the requisition I got from the walk in clinic and suggested I look for an Ob/Gyn in K-W. Called a few places and they all said that they don't take anyone until 20 weeks ish. Then I called the Nurse Practitioner Clinic at Grand River Hospital again and got some more clarification. In the meantime, I booked an appointment there for March 21st for the initial orientation and April 2nd for my 12 week appointment. Also decided that I will try to get my blood work done Saturday. Oddly enough, I feel a little better now that I have some appointments booked, lol.
On another note, I am really tired and gassy today (lol, sorry for the TMI, but this is a pregnancy blog, lol). Til next time!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baby's Owl Hat :-)

Happy Valentines Day!

School today was fun and full of excitement although I was so tired. Made an appointment with Dr. Peoples in Brampton tomorrow at 11:30.

On another note, my plan today after work was so have a quick nap, watch Glee, and make Joe a nice dinner for when he got home from work. Instead, got home to him waiting for me at the door, with his card. There were candles every EVERYWHERE! This baby couldn't have a better dad, and this girl couldn't have picked a better guy :-) Love you, Joey :-)

Monday, February 13, 2012

This kid is gonna have a lot of hats! Lol

Our Baby at 5 Weeks :)

Click here to

5 weeks today :)

Aww, it's the size of an appleseed today, lol!

Woke up this morning with a bit of nausea but it passed quickly, *whew!* Work was ok, I found myself really tired today though and my pants feeling a little snugger already. Probably just from bloating (like I need more of that!) Funy thing this morning, I've actually lost weight, lol. I'm not trying to lose more weight obviously but I am trying to eat super super healthy for me and baby.  I caled the Nurse Practitioner clinic and Grand River hospital today and the lady said they don't book appointments until 10 weeks. I found that a little weird, don't they want to make sure everything is ok? When I called the walk in clinic I went to on the weekend to ask what their protocol is on handling my situation. I told them that the doctor simply made me redo my pee test and gave me the number for the hospital. She said they should have gave me a requisition for blood work. Great. Called me family doctor in Brampton but as always, he's on holidays. So after work I rushed to the Urgent Care Clinic near my work before they stopped taking patients. The nurse came in, weighed me, checked my ears and blood pressure and made me do another pee test. Then this cute old Chinese man came in. Made a few sex jokes and gave me a requisition for blood work, lol. Tomorrow is a busy day at work so I will probably take Wednesday off to go get that done. I have a naturopath appointment with Dr. Som on Friday! I booked it like 3 weeks ago to help with the whole weightloss but obviously now I am going for a different reason, lol. She is also pregnant so I am hoping she will give me some tips and help me make a plan for a healthy pregnancy, meaning appropriate weight gain for my body and ways to keep active safely. With that said I think I am going to skip the gym this week until I talk to a doctor about exactly what I can and cannot do. No other real symptoms today besides that I'm pooped!

To my favourite guy:

Thank you for being so amazing to me. You are so supportive and understanding and I love you more than anything.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our Button's First Hat by Mommy

Joe got this in a text message from his aunt today, lol


So yesterday, we bought "What To Expect When You're Expecting" and I spent last night going through it. I had my first slight bit of nausea this morning when Joe was spraying Lysol. Other than that, I am still having cramps although not as intense. Another symptom I have been having since last week is excess saliva and drooling! Lol Seriously! Never realized that was a symptom. Anyways, that's all for now!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


This is Joe and I.

This is our dog, Russell

This is our apartment in Waterloo, Ontario

...and this is our big surprise!

Unplanned but not unwelcomed! We are extremely excited! Looks like I'm in between 3-4 weeks right now according to my last period. Been having mild cramps all week but I hope it is nothing to be concerned about. Yes, we realize it is very early but we are trying to stay positive and I am continuing to eat healthy and go to the gym. We have only told immediate family and a few close friends so far. Went to the walk-in clinic today and had a third urine test done to confirm. I need to call the hospital Monday to set up an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner. For those who are unaware, I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a disorder that could possibly hinder the chances of getting pregnant. The fact that this happened without trying and using contraception is nothing short of a miracle. Please think positively for a happy and healthy pregnancy! :)