So today I wiped and saw a bit of pink on the toilet paper. Started panicking (of course) and wiped again, a little more blood but darker. Laura texted me after and told me not to worry, that it is very common. After going to the washroom about 5 times in the next hour, it started to disappear and I felt better. Laura suggested I call the doctor just to make sure it was ok. So today I wiped and saw a bit of pink on the toilet paper. Started panicking (of course) and wiped again, a little more blood but darker. Laura texted me after and told me not to worry, that it is very common. After going to the washroom about 5 times in the next hour, it started to disappear and I felt better. Laura suggested I call the doctor just to make sure it was ok. Now which doctor to call??? Decided to call Dr. Peoples who asked me how heavy it was and if it was accompanied by cramps (which it wasn't). He said "it doesn't found sinister" (weird wording, lol) but to take tomorrow off work if I need to. Also told me to call him tomorrow to see if he received the ultrasound results yet. Haven't decided if I will go into work tomorrow but I will keep you all posted! Please pray for us and our Button!
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