Monday, February 27, 2012

Our Baby's First Photo

So my back was really bothering me yesterday. It felt like my sciatic nerve (on my left side) but once in a the pain would shoot across to my front. I Googled (of course) and started thinking maybe I was having an ectopic pregnancy or I had a cyst on my ovary. Went to work in the morning but my back was still really hurting so I got a supply to take over my shift in the afternoon and went to the walk in clinic. Saw the doctor I saw the very first time (who was pretty useless before) and told him my concerns. He verified where the pains were and suggested we do a early ultrasound. Went to the ultrasound clinic and booked an appointment for later in the afternoon. They asked me to drink a litre of water and to hold my pee. The ultrasound was performed by an ultrasound technician student with the actual ultrasound technician in the room. I was so nervous. They suggested Joe stay in the waiting room until they could get some pictures. The technician did the ultra sound and then suggested I go pee. They suggested we try an  internal ultrasoundsince it was kind of hard to see the baby with the external. That made me even more nervous of course. After the internal ultrasound was complete they showed me our baby. Complete with it's tiny beating heart. They said that I am actually measuring just under 7 weeks (6 weeks, 3 days). They ruled out ectopic (whew!) but didn't say anything about the cysts. They said the doctor will call me if they find anything abnormal. The big black circle in the photo is my uterus (which went from the size of a fist to the size of a grapefruit!) Our baby is on the right inside the uterus and the yolk sac is beside it on the left. Isn't our button cute?! lol. Feeling a lot more relieved now! :)


  1. Ohhhhh soooooo cute! Hellooooo in there!!!! Xoxoxo

  2. Awww so cute yours is much more clearer then mine was and mine was the exact same 6 weeks 3 days! Yay!
