Sunday, February 19, 2012

Recent Google searches...

WARNING: Some of these are very weird but keep in mind I don't really have a doctor yet and I've never gone through this before.
The Google searches go from this morning, right up until the night we found out we were expecting :-)

"is it weird to not feel pregnant?"
"belly button pain during early pregnancy"
"lower back pain during early pregnancy"
"should I drink pop while pregnant?"
"cramps on left side during early pregnancy"
"can you eat ricotta cheese while pregnant?"
"can you eat mozzarella cheese while pregnant?"
"cramps at 5 weeks pregnant"
"does it matter what time of day you take prenatal vitamins?"
"how to get candle wax off clothing" (that's on behalf of my dear boyfriend lol)
"I ate cold cuts and I'm pregnant"
"does pita pit cook their cold cuts?"
"itchy skin during pregnancy"
"can you use nail polish remover while pregnant?"
"can you eat goat cheese while pregnant?"
"is it ok to lift weights while pregnant?"
"rate of weight gain during pregnancy"
"clear blue pregnancy results"
"how effective is birth control"
"pfizer birth control recall"
"can you eat imitation crab meat while pregnant?"
"is it possible to lose weight while pregnant?"
"cramping at 4 weeks normal?"
"is it ok to take gravol when pregnant?"
"food pregnant women should avoid"
"faint line on pregnancy test"

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