Wednesday, August 8, 2012

More Drama

So as some of you may know, I got into a pretty bad car accident yesterday. Joe's mom and I were in my car on the highway on our way to her specialist appointment and traffic was stopped. Well I guess the idiot behind us didn't realize we were stopped and slammed right into us. First thing that crossed my mind was baby. My belly didn't hit anything so that was a good sign. The truck behind us pushed us into the car in front and we bounced off and hit the truck again. Our heads snapped back and hit the headrests twice. Our glasses flew off of our faces. Brenda was screaming holding her head and I was just focused on staying calm and calling 911. I took a quick look at my car at the back and it was totaled. The ambulance, fire truck and OPP came very quickly. The put Brenda in a gurney and I sat in a chair in the ambulance. In the ambulance my back and neck started seizing up. Not fun. They took me straight up to Labor & Delivery to check on baby. I didn't care that my head, neck and back were killing at the time, I was just scared for Ethan's life. They hooked me up to the Doppler and I got to hear our baby's heart beat. The doctor said it sounded good but was a little fast from the excitement. She said they would monitor his great for a few hours. She gave me Tylenol for my headache and had a nurse come in to take my blood. They wanted to make sure mine and baby's boys didn't mix. The police officer came into my room to take my statement. He told me that the other driver got a Careless Driving ticket and that if he flight it, I would have to go to court. After I was released from Labor & Delivery I went to the ER to check out my head and neck injury. After waiting about 4 hours, the doc said it looked like I had a minor concussion or just muscle strain in my neck. He wrote me a note for physio and said I SHOULD feel better in a few days.
When we got home I called my insurance. Thankfully, they are covering my totaled car, deductible, ambulance fee, towing fee and rental car. This morning I am still in a lot of pain. My sleep was not pleasant and I've had a non-stop headache since yesterday. I am just so thankful to God that we are all alive and healthy.

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